The above functions are needed for the daily movement of volumes, but it is not enough.

In case of a disaster wiping out your TSM server and library, you need certain information to enable you to rebuild your TSM server.

Information like :

  • The placement and size of database volumes.
  • The placement and size of log volumes.
  • Which volume contains your last database backup.
  • Which licenses where enabled.
  • How where your libaries and drives defined.
  • And much more...

TSMManager collects all this information automatically and will print and/or e-mail this information for you.

What is vaulting ?

Vaulting is the process of removing volumes from libraries, moving them to a safe place (vault), waiting for them to become empty and then return them to the libraries for renewed use.

This requires several functions :

  1. Identify which library volumes are eligible for movement to the vault.
  2. Checkout these volumes from the libraries.
  3. Inform the operator about these volumes so he/she can remove them from the library and physically move them to the vault.
  4. Identify which volumes, that are currently in the vault, have become empty and should be returned for other use.
  5. Inform the operator about these volumes so he/she can retrieve them from the vault and bring them back onsite.
  6. Check the returned volumes into the libraries.

The vaulting function of TSMManager is a complete replacement for Tivoli's DRM feature.

It will handle everything necessary with regard to moving tapes out of libraries, producing pull-lists for operators, returning volumes and checking them in to libraries. Everything runs scheduled and without manual intervention. (Except for the physical movement of volumes, of course)

It will handle :

  • Copypool volumes
  • Primary pool volumes
  • Database backups, both full/incr and snapshot
  • Backupsets

It will also generate a recovery plan with all needed support files and let you store it in a safe place in case your TSM server dies and needs to be rebuilt.
